Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February 21st Post

The Applegate article in our course pack was really interesting to me. I had never heard of classifying students in the way that they respond to what they read. As I was reading the article I would remember some of the students in my first grade classroom and how they respond in similar ways. I liked that the article addressed each of the different ways that children respond to what they have read but then it also explained what that meant. For example, they didn't quite understand what they read, or they are not sure what to say so they tell you what they think you want to hear. I think that it is really important to recognize these different “profiles” that your students may have when showing their comprehension. It is essential then that you address that and help them become better and understanding and comprehending what they read. I wish that we could have talked more about this in class instead of just reviewing it with group 6's presentation of the readings.

I thought that the part of the book we read in class The Secret Life of Bees was good. The book intrigued me and I think that I would like to read the whole thing on my own. I am confused on what we were looking for in the section that we read. It would have been nice to be able to go more in depth with that, it may have been something that I would have liked to integrate into my classroom.

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