Monday, February 4, 2008

Choral Reading

I think the choral reading has its good points and its low points. I think that it can be important to do when maybe first introducing the students to something. In my classroom the teacher has the students read over grammar rules and poems that have to do with these rules. They use choral reading in doing this. I think that it helps the students to realize that what they are reading is important for them to know. It also helps the teacher notice who is paying attention and who she might have lost. As far as choral reading goes for just anything, I think there might be sometimes that it does not work very well. If there is a piece of reading with a lot of words in it that the students will not be able to pronunce, this could then lead to many not participating. It was always embarrassing for me when the class would be reading aloud and I would make a mistake. It is something that is very easy to hear and it is pretty obvious of who made the mistake. I think something that might be beneficial to do before choral reading is to go over the words that you know some of your students might have trouble with. This would help them feel confident enough to stay up with the class and to try to read every word.


Brittany said...

I agree with Amber for the most part. I feel like choral reading has more negative aspects than positive ones. I'm still not totally clear how students can benefit from choral reading. I just feel like students could have a more beneficial experience by participating in small reading groups or in reader's theater. I feel like younger students would benefit from acting our stories, puppets, felt board pieces, etc. This allows them to not only recall the text, but put it in their own words and vocabulary.

Nicole H. said...

I agree with your suggestion to go over some of the harder words with the students before they do the choral reading. I feel like choral reading is one of those things that has always been done and so teachers continue to do it. They did it when they where young and so they do in their classrooms today. I agree with Brittany's comment about students getting more of a benefit from different kinds of reading than choral. Choral could be used in a classroom just not excessively.