Friday, March 21, 2008

February 28th Post

I really related to the chapter on Facilitating Comprehension from Tompkins. My first grade classroom has been really big on folklore lately. My CT is doing a whole unit on comparing and contrasting different versions of folklore. For example, they finished a unit on Little Red Riding Hood stories and now they just started a unit on Cinderella. They have read the Disney version, The Rough Phased Girl, and Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters. They are also planning on reading Yeh - Shen. Although I haven't seen her actually compare and contrast these stories with the students...I have just seen her read the stories to her. I would really be great to see how the students do with this type of higher-order thinking.
Natasha and I almost decided to do this same type of thing for our Language Arts lesson plan. We were going to compare and contrast different versions of The Three Little Pigs. We decided that because they were already doing so much of this with Mrs. Kibbey that they might get bored of it if we do it with them as well. We did how ever use a different version of The Three Little Pigs for our lesson plan, called The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. We then taught them about plot and had them act out the different parts of plot.

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